Once again, nothing to do with crafting, but I just did something CCRRAAZZZYY so I had to share! I went from being a blondie my WHOLE life to becoming a brunette, like dark dark! My kids didn't recognize me when I walked through the door, they just stared at me, then when I finally said their names they realized who I was! I hope I didn't traumatize them! My hunkster is liking the new do, he has a brunette "mistress" now! Who knows when the blond will be back (probably sooner rather than later), but for now I am living on the WILD side!
What do you think, blond or brunette?!

This is definitely an adjustment, I forget that I have brown hair sometimes, so when I walk by a mirror it freaks me out at first!
Have you ever done a total hair change like this, being one color your whole life to going completely different?!
It ends this Wednesday (September 29) at midnight!!!
I like them both equally in terms of which looks good. You pull off both shades well. But the brunette makes you look older, more mature. Which, for me, is always a plus! I'm 27, look 18, and get tired of people thinking I'm a teenage mother.
And yes, I've jumped out of my comfort zones. I'm a natural blonde, but prefer my hair brown. But once I went red. (Dark Mahogany Brown actually.) It was no bueno for my lover boy. He begged me to get rid of it.
Thanks Stephanie! I am the same way with the age thing! I have people ask me all the time if I am still in highschool...drives me nuts! I have always wanted to try and go red too, but my hubby says no also! I LOVE red hair though...so I might!
I like the change! It's nice to shake things up sometimes, and changing hair color can give you a whole new outlook on life, might even change an attitude or two! Have fun with it!
I did the very same thing! I was blonde my entire life, but a couple of months before my 23rd birthday, I went brunette. It's been almost two years and I'm still brunette! It was so much fun to change things up! I did have to stop for a second in the mornings when I looked in the mirror and remember that it was actually me!
I think it looks beautiful! More like fall OK sorry my mind always returns to decorating! You look beautiful either way~ but seasonal hair color would be cool!
LOL thanks girls! I love the seasonal hair color idea! I think I might just have to make it a tradition!
I think they both look good :)
I was blonde my entire life, never colored my hair, until five years ago. I walked into the salon for a trim and came out a RED head. It took some adjusting, but I loved it so much I stayed red. I went back to my natural color while pregnant, but it wasn't long until I went back to red. I really think I should have been born with this color!
I LOVE the change! I too made the leap of faith and went dark and I love it! Hooray we are brunette buddies!
ps I just wanted to swing by and let you know that I am doing a giveaway for everyone that voted for me, make sure you enter!!
love your guts
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