First your supplies:
1. Any scrap fabric that will fit the size you want your shape to be.
2. HeatN' Bond I used a mixture of ultra and lite because I used burlap and the "lite" wasn't holding for me.
3. scissors.
5. Iron
4. sewing machine (optional)
5. permanent marker. (for measuring your kidletts..if you want to use it for that)
Okay, so the first thing I did was draw out a huge circle on my fabric because I was making a whimsical tree to match my daughter's bedding. Then I free-handed a trunk to go with it.
Then I just ironed on my heatn'bond and ironed it onto the wall...That simple!
I am using this as a growth chart in her room. So I made sure I took a measuring tape to get the height right. Then as she grows I can track it, and if we ever move I can take it down and stick it up in our new house and not have to worry about losing all that heights!!
I am going to do a simple one that can go in the play room to keep track of all my kid's heights, then it won't have to go with a certain decor style because it is just going to be a long strip of burlap with their measurements!
I have some Halloween ones that I will be putting up soon! That will come when I get more batteries for my camera!!
The trees look a lot better once you see the whole room in person. You can't really get the idea or see all the detail of the trim of the tree like you can in person...obviously!
There are a TON of different ways and ideas you can use this for! So let your imagination run wild and see what you come up with!!! (Then show me of course because I want more ideas!):)
Have a Happy Hump Day!!
UPDATE: One of my awesome followers knew who it was that originally did this so that I could give her credit! I knew someone would know who I was talking about, I just couldn't find her blog!
Her link is:
Thanks so much to Sharon @ This Thrifty House for giving me the link!
Thanks so much to Sharon @ This Thrifty House for giving me the link!
Linking to:
(Linky Party buttons are on the side!)
Great job! I think I know who it is you saw--I saw a clip on this Brassy Apple blog (She has the clip where she was on TV).
Here is the link:
I also LOVED the idea and tried it on my walls in my sons bedroom! I just did his name--I love your tree! So creative!
I have been trying to think of a way to make a tree in my daughters room without having to order a custom vinyl one, I never knew you could use heat and bond on the wall like that!! Thank you so much for the inspiration, I know what my next project is now!! Thanks again!!
I have been looking for something like this for my daugther's room...this is perfect. Thanks for the inspiration!
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